


Name Released In Fatal Moundsville Crash

The identity of the victim in a fatal one-car crash in at the old West Virginia Penitentiary in Moundsville has been released. Vince Miceli, 42, formerly of Cameron but who was living in Florida, was killed in the crash, according to officials. Miceli collided head on with the north wall of ...

Anonymous Message Left With Ohio County Schools Prompts Added Safety At Meeting

WHEELING 老司机直播 There was a quiet police presence outside this week老司机直播檚 meeting of the Ohio County Board of Education, and Assistant Superintendent Rick Jones said central office administration believed it was necessary. He explained over the weekend an anonymous and threatening message was left ...

Providing Jobs Skills 老司机直播楤adges老司机直播 Next Effort By Educators

WHEELING 老司机直播 Students soon may seek to obtain 老司机直播渂adges老司机直播 denoting specific job skills they老司机直播檝e achieved and display them as part of an electronic portfolio when they apply for jobs in the future. The concept of colleges 老司机直播 and maybe even high schools 老司机直播 awarding badges for certified ...

Volunteers Sought for Peninsula Cemetery Restoration This Weekend in Wheeling

WHEELING 老司机直播 The Ohio County Cemeteries Foundation is seeking volunteers to help tackle its first restoration work session at Wheeling's historic Peninsula Cemetery this weekend. The effort will include a training session and hands-on work session on Saturday, followed by a cleaning and repair ...

老司机直播榃ings Over Wheeling老司机直播 Event Attracting Financial Support

WHEELING 老司机直播 Next month老司机直播檚 老司机直播淲ings Over Wheeling老司机直播 event at the Wheeling-Ohio County Airport has exceeded $30,000 in corporate sponsorships, Ohio County commissioners learned Tuesday night. The event is slated to take place from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Aug. 24 at the airport. Vintage planes, an ...