

Local Columns

The View From 42

TodayÀÏ˾»úÖ±²¥™s column is going to be a hodgepodge of things, because I turned 42 on Thursday and my mind has been in reminiscing mode. I was 22 in the summer of 2004. I was a college dropout from Ohio Valley University for more than a year at that point. I was living on the campus of Parkersburg ...

We Must Learn To Disagree Without Being Disagreeable

This past week I was invited to speak and give the benediction at the OVAC Evening with the Stars Dinner at the White Palace in Wheeling. This is the time when the All-Star Football players from the state of Ohio play against the All-Star Football players of West Virginia. They also include ...

Marshall Memo: A Visit from Gordon Gee; SpongeBob; and the Fair

Marshall County Commissioners Mike Ferro, John Gruzinskas and Scott Varner hosted WVU President Gordon Gee Tuesday to discuss the numerous challenges West Virginians have faced over the years. Drawing on his experiences at various universities, he highlighted what it means to be a West ...

Money Matters

Elections are never over until they are over. As the old saying goes, the only poll that matters is the poll voters take on Election Day. But fundraising is important. Sure, an argument can be made that there is too much money in politics. I have never really subscribed to that. If that ...